Behind-The-Scenes Clip From Photo Shoot

Hi and thanks so much for stopping by my site!
I was born again at the age of 5 at a children’s crusade. I can still vividly see myself walking down that aisle with my brother towards the front to accept Jesus as my Savior. I won’t ever forget that night.
I started leading worship in my youth group at the age of 13. I had big dreams of writing songs, recording albums and touring. Most of my free time at home was spent worshiping in my bedroom with my homemade tambourine made of two paper plates stapled together with dry beans inside and my “microphone” was an upright vacuum cleaner. (anyone else?)
Over the years I have been honored with the opportunity to lead worship in many different churches and ministries, walking through the doors the Lord opens. As with everything, there have been many different seasons in my life, and in every season He has remained faithful. ​
If I have learned anything from this lifelong walk with Jesus, it’s that there is always hope for our future, and that He is the God of restoration and is faithful to finish what He begins in our hearts.
May every song I write and sing point to Jesus and always turn your attention to Him.
He’s doing a new thing!
- Sharon

Birthed out of a season of trust and hope, New is a celebration of The Master Creator, Who makes all things new. With songs that inspire hope and faith in a trust-worthy Father, New is a fresh declaration of the goodness of God and His love for all. It is a reminder that God is always in the business of doing something new and that our future is secure in His hands.
new |n(y)oÍžo|
just beginning or beginning anew
and regarded as better than what went before