You're Sitting On A Goldmine...

It was a normal day, nothing special was going on. I was just driving in the car, talking to the Lord, and I heard Him say so clearly, “Sharon, you’re sitting on a goldmine…”
If you’ve spent any time with me on my blog, you know that my very favorite human in the world is my daughter, Abby. And you would also know that one of our favorite places to spend our free time is Walt Disney World. We have annual passes so we try to go often, and we split our time between all of the parks because each one is our very favorite, for very different reasons, of course. (maybe a blog one day dedicated to our favorite things about each park? I’m in!) Magic Kingdom is popular on our list due to its “mountain ranges”. (non-Disney fans, read: Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, Splash Mountain, and Space Mountain). Big Thunder Mountain Railroad has always been a favorite of Abby’s since she was tall enough to ride it, so every time we visit Magic Kingdom, riding it is a must-do for the Lewis girls. The story of the ride is as you would expect, a small mining town discovers gold and uses the mine train to transport the gold. (the story actually has more of an arc, but I’m simplifying here, and will let you discover the rest on Wikipedia). And sometimes when we’re standing in line waiting for our turn to ride, my imagination can drift as I picture rare, buried treasure right beneath us, pure gold deep down in the earth, almost as if it’s being preserved for something, or someone, special. We can’t see it, but it’s there; wealth and valuable resources. A goldmine.
Friends, I am here to tell you today that you, too, are sitting on a goldmine! You carry treasures untold and gifts that the Lord intends to utilize to further the Kingdom! The infinite treasury that He has placed inside of you is so valuable and precious. I’m just wondering how many of us walk around not realizing that worth and value?
The enemy would love to keep us all in a “stupor”, blinded to the importance of what we carry inside of us. Because if we don’t view them as precious and worth sharing, then why would we step out into them, and cultivate them and do anything with them? If you don’t think what you carry is worth anything, then you won’t do anything with it. So we move along in life, and leave all of that gold buried deep because we don’t realize what we are really sitting on! It’s one of the most underhanded tricks of the enemy because it’s subtle, yet oh so dangerous. I believe it’s true for most of us, that we’re not trying to be “disobedient” by doing nothing with this “gold” the Lord has placed in us. It’s simply that we’ve just believed the lies for so long that our gifts aren’t important, and we neglect the very thing the Lord intended us to unearth!

You know the one thing that I always think about, the one thing I always come back around to, is that if I would have had a true grasp on my worth and my value, and knew how much the Lord had planned for my l life, I honestly believe I would have made some different choices early on in my life. And this is not about “oh if I would have only done this, or that, etc…” This is simply a call to everyone out there to be sure you discover, truly discover, that you are sitting on a goldmine. Then you will know what a treasure you carry around with you, and you will know that you need special people in your life to help protect your treasure, and to help you mine it as well. I believe the Lord will surround us with people to not only encourage the gifts we know about, but also help us discover new “gold” and help draw it out of us. The key is that we have to realize this about ourselves first, so that we don’t allow the wrong people in that will devalue what we carry (whether on purpose or not), and then we in turn start downplaying the seriousness of what the Lord has placed in us.
Matthew 7:6 (TLB) - “Don’t give holy things to depraved men. Don’t give pearls to swine! They will trample the pearls and turn and attack you.” Young ladies out there who are looking for your special guy, and young men looking for your special gal, my strong guidance to you would be to KNOW YOUR WORTH AND VALUE FIRST, then you will be savvy enough to sniff out the counterfeits and save yourself a lot of wasted time at best, and a lot of heartache at worst.
I can share with you from experience, so please listen when I say, that knowing your worth and value, and realizing you are indeed sitting on a gold mine, will absolutely change your frame of reference and will impact what you allow in your life and what you don’t.
I walked through a pretty tough season years ago, that was full of broken promises, crushed dreams and substantial disappointments. Abby is definitely the “silver lining” of a dismal cloud. It was a time of tough lessons, a good share of heartache and an ENORMOUS amount of God’s grace, love and mercy. Would I do 1,000 things differently if the “today me” was faced with the same set of circumstances and choices? You bet. Do I wallow in self-pity and stay focused on why I chose that path and why I ended up a divorced single mom, and where would I be if only…? Not anymore. The Lord has brought me so very far and so much time has passed that in a strange way, when I think about that time in my life, it’s almost as if I’m thinking about someone else, because it seems so far removed from how I would function today. Almost as if my sentiments are, “Awww, that’s a shame she had to walk through all of that…” Then I remind myself, that “she” is “me”! I did walk through all of that and can testify of God’s redeeming love and restorative power. He surely did make beauty out of ashes. And He’s not done yet.
I know that I’m sitting on a goldmine. I know He has placed treasure inside of me that it is my responsibility to “mine” and to walk out. And I want to encourage others to see all the gold they’re sitting on, and inspire them to dig it up and do great things for the Kingdom.

You are so very valuable and precious in His sight, and His love for you is so great. I’ll leave you with Psalm 139:13-16 to mediate on today (TPT) - “You formed my innermost being, shaping my delicate inside and my intricate outside, and wove them all together in my mother’s womb. I thank you, God, for making me so mysteriously complex! Everything you do is marvelously breathtaking. It simply amazes me to think about it! How thoroughly you know me, Lord! You even formed every bone in my body when you created me in the secret place, carefully, skillfully shaping me from nothing to something. You saw who you created me to be before I became me! Before I’d ever seen the light of day, the number of days you planned for me were already recorded in your book.”